UK Expansion Worker route is for overseas workers who are undertaking temporary work assignments in the UK, where the worker is a senior manager or specialist employee and is being assigned to the UK to undertake work related to a business’s expansion to the UK.  The UK Expansion Worker route is not a route to settlement which means it does not lead to Indefinite Leave to Remain (ILR). However, it is possible to switch from UK Expansion Worker visa route to other work visa categories from inside the UK which can lead to Indefinite Leave to Remain (ILR) in the UK.

An application for UK Expansion Worker visa is made in accordance with requirments as set out in Appendix Global Business Mobility Routes of the Immigration Rules. A UK Expansion Worker visa allows you to come to the UK to set up a branch of an overseas business that has not started trading in the UK yet. You must already work for the overseas business as either a senior manager or specialist employee.

The UK Expansion Worker visa route can only be used when the business has not yet begun trading in the UK. If the business is already trading in the UK, workers should apply under Senior or Specialist Worker instead. A dependent partner and dependent children of UK Expansion worker can apply for dependant visa to come to the UK to stay with the UK Expansion worker.

Premium Solicitors are specialist UK immigration solicitors and the high quality of UK visa and immigration legal services provided by our best team of fully qualified and experienced immigration solicitors is self-evident from the 5-star Google Reviews rating by 99% of our clients.

Our specialist work visa solicitors and lawyers in London can provide expert immigration advice and legal representations on fixed fee basis for your application for UK Expansion Worker visa. Ask a question to our specialist team of work visa solicitors for free immigration advice online or book an appointment online with one of our expert immigration solicitors and lawyers concerning your application for UK Expansion Woker visa.

UK Expansion Worker Visa Applications

As specialist work visa solicitors in London, we can provide fast, friendly, reliable and fixed fee legal service for following immigration application under the UK Expansion Worker visa category:

Applications By Dependants Of UK Expansion Worker

As specialist dependant visa solicitors, we can provide immigration advice and legal representations on fixed fee basis for following applications as dependant of a UK Expansion Worker:

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