You can apply for initial leave to remain for 30 months if you have lived in the UK continuously for at least 20 years, whether lawfully or unlawfully. An application for an initial leave to remain on the basis of 20 years long residence is made in accordance with requirements as set out in Appendix Private Life of the Immigration Rules. As a result of successful application on the basis of 20 years long residence, the applicant will be granted leave to remain for 30 months under 10 years route to settlement which means the applicant can apply for ILR after 10 years of continuous residence with leave to remain granted on the basis of 20 years long residence.

Premium Solicitors are specialist UK immigration solicitors and the high quality of UK visa and immigration legal services provided by our best team of fully qualified and experienced immigration solicitors is self-evident from the 5-star Google Reviews rating by 99% of our clients.

Our specialist team of immigration solicitors can provide fast, friend reliable and fixed fee immigration advice and legal representations in relation to your application for initial leave to remain on the basis of 20 years long residence. Ask a question to our specialist team of immigration solicitors for free immigration advice online or book an appointment online for a detailed immigration advice and consultation session with one of our immigration lawyers concerning your application for initial leave to remain on the basis of 20 years long residence.

Requirements For Initial Leave To Remain On The Basis Of 20 Years Long Residence

A person applying for leave to remain on the basis of 20 years long residence should meet the following requirements of the Immigration Rules as set out in Appendix Private Life:

Valid Application

The applicant must submit a valid application for leave to remain on the basis of 20 years long residence in accordance with requirements for a valid application as set out in Appendix Private Life of the Immigration Rules.

Suitability Requirements

The applicant's application for initial leave to remain on the basis of 20 years long residence must not fall for refusal on suitability grounds as set out in the Immigration Rules.

Residence Requirement

The applicant must have been continuously resident in the UK for more than 20 years.

The period of continuous residence may include time spent in the UK with or without permission. The period of continuous residence does not include any period during which the applicant was serving a sentence of imprisonment or was detained in an institution other than a prison.

The period of continuous residence is broken (i.e. is no longer continuous) if any of the following apply:

  • the applicant has been absent from the UK for more than 6 months at any one time; or
  •  the applicant has spent a total of 550 days or more absent from the UK during the relevant period of continuous residence of 20 years; or
  • the applicant has been removed, deported or has left the UK having had an application for permission to enter or stay in the UK refused; or
  • the applicant left the UK with no reasonable expectation at the time of leaving that they would lawfully be able to return.

Exclusion For Certain Asylum Seekers

An applicant who has made a protection or asylum claim which has been declared inadmissible under Part 11 of these rules before 28 June 2022, or under section 80B and 80C of the Nationality, Immigration and Asylum Act 2002, and which continues to be treated as inadmissible, cannot meet the requirement at PL 5.1(b).

Super Priority Service For  Decision Within 24 Hours

As specialist immigration solicitors based in London, we are registered with the Home Office, UK Visas & Immigration (UKVI) and its commercial partners UKVCAS Sopra Steria to provide Super Priority Service for initial application for leave to remain on the basis of 20 years long residence whereby decision on your application will be made within 24 hours if you submit your application through Super Priority Service. This way, you may not have to wait for the decision on your application for months (sometimes years).

How Can We Help?

Our specialist team of immigration solicitors can provide expert immigration advice and legal representations on fixed fee basis in relation to your application for leave to remain on the basis of 20 years long residence. Our fixed fee for your application for leave to remain on the basis of 20 years long residence will cover all the work of our immigration solicitors on your application for leave to remain on the basis of 20 years long residence until a decision is made by the Home Office UKVI on your application for leave to remain on the basis of 20 years long residence. The casework to be carried out by our immigration solicitors in relation to your application for leave to remain on the basis of 20 years long residence will entail the following:

  • Advice on requirements: Our immigration solicitors will advise you on the relevant requirements you have to meet for your application for leave to remain on the basis of 20 years long residence to succeed.
  • Advised on documents: Our immigration lawyers will prepare and email you a comprehensive list of supporting documents to be submitted in support of your application for leave to remain on the basis of 20 years long residence;
  • Assessment of documents: Our immigration lawyers will assess your documents to make sure that all the documents you provide in support of your application for leave to remain on the basis of 20 years long residence are in accordance with the requirement of the Immigration Rules.
  • Completing application form: Our immigration lawyers will complete the relevant application form for your application for leave to remain on the basis of 20 years long residence.
  • Submitting application through Priority or Super Priority Service: Where possible, our immigration lawyers will submit your online application for leave to remain on the basis of 20 years long residence through priority or super priority service to get faster decision on your application for leave to remain on the basis of 20 years long residence.
  • Booking an appointment with the application centre: After the online submission of your application for leave to remain on the basis of 20 years long residence, our immigration lawyers will book your appointment with the application centre for you to enrol your biometrics.
  • Preparing a detailed cover letter: Our specialist immigration solicitors will prepare a detailed cover letter in support of your application for leave to remain on the basis of 20 years long residence explaining how all the legal requirements are met for the approval of your application for leave to remain on the basis of 20 years long residence.
  • Uploading documents online: Before the biometrics enrolment date, our immigration lawyers will upload online all the supporting documents to be considered in support of your application for leave to remain on the basis of 20 years long residence.
  • Follow up work: Our immigration lawyers will carry out all the follow up work until decision by the Home Office UKVI on your application for leave to remain on the basis of 20 years long residence.

Our One-Off Services For Immigration Applications

Our immigration solicitors can also provide a wide range of one-off legal services for UK visa and immigration applications. Using our one-off services can help those who do not want to use our full service for the immigration application. You can use one of the following one-off legal services offered for UK visa and immigration applications:

Our Fixed Fees For Your Initial Application On The Basis Of 20 Years Long Residence

  • Our immigration solicitors will charge a fixed fee ranging from £1,500 to £3,000 (no VAT) for your initial application for leave to remain on the basis of 20 years long residence. We can provide Super Priority Service for decision on your 20 years long residence application to be made within 24 hours. The agreed fixed will depend on the complexity of the application and the volume of work involved in the application for leave to remain on the basis of 20 years long residence.
  • Our fixed fee for the application does not cover any disbursements e.g. UKVI fee for the application and the applicant has to separately pay the Home office UKVI fees for the application.
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